710.3 Vending Machines

Food served or purchased by students during the school day and food served or purchased for other than special circumstances is approved by school administration.  Vending machines in the school building are the responsibility of school administration.  Purchases from the vending machines, will reflect the guidelines in the Wellness policy 507.9.


It is the responsibility of the superintendent or superintendent’s designee to develop administrative regulations for the use of vending machines and other sales of food to students.


Date Board Adopted: 6/18/2013

Date Board Updated/Reviewed:03/14/2022


Legal Reference:          42 U.S.C. §§ 1751 et seq. (2010).

                                    7 C.F.R. Pt. 210 et seq. (2010).

                                    Iowa Code ch. 283A (2013).

  281 I.A.C. 58.